What You Should Know About Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is attractive, durable, and a great choice for your Seattle area home.

Metal roofing is attractive, durable, and a great choice for your Seattle area home.

Metal roofing was once only found on high-end, architect-designed residences. However, because of increased availability and improved production techniques, metal roofing is now prevalent in traditional homes. Shingle-style metal roofing products are now available that are virtually indistinguishable from regular asphalt shingle roofs.

Installing Metal Roofing Over Existing Roofs

While shingle removal is the preferred method, metal roofing can be placed over your existing roof if your local building rules permit it.

Trapped water vapor is a potential issue with this type of installation. Moisture can accumulate between old roofing and metal roofing, causing mold and rot. This potential issue, however, can be solved by skilled roofers.

Before installing a metal roof directly over old shingles, check with your local building codes. Some jurisdictions may mandate complete tear-off when installing a new roof.

Metal Roofing Isn’t Any Louder Than Asphalt Roofing

Although there is a general misconception that metal roofs are noisy when rain or hail falls on them, the reality is that, when correctly constructed, metal roofing is no noisier than any other type. Homeowners rarely perceive any increase in sound levels when a metal roof is installed because the attic and insulation provide a sound barrier from the interior living rooms.

Metal Roofing Does Not Attract Lightning

The reason metal roofs do not attract lightning is it needs a path to ground, which is why trees, telephone poles, and other similar structures attract lightning. Metal roofs are isolated structures with no direct path to ground. Therefore there is no reason for lightning to strike a metal roof more frequently than an asphalt shingle roof.

Metal Roofing Can Prove More Cost-Effective

Most metal roofing systems come with warranties of about 30 years, which is comparable to asphalt shingles. However, in actuality, metal roofs have been known to last 50 years or longer. As a result, it is exceptionally rare for a homeowner to install more than one metal roof during their ownership.

A homeowner, on the other hand, is likely to repair an asphalt shingle roof two, three, or four times during a 50-year period. For this reason, even though the price of a metal roof is double that of an asphalt roof, it can save money over time.

Metal Roofing is Resistant to Fire, Rot, and Insect Infestation

Metal roofing is virtually fireproof, which is one of the main reasons it has grown in popularity. With the threat of wildfires on the rise, metal roofing has emerged as the preferred roofing material in many parts of the country. Furthermore, it is resistant to rot, mildew, and insects.

Can You Paint an Old Metal Roof?

You are possibly a bit hesitant to paint an old metal roof. There is actually no reason for not doing so. It is, in fact, recommended that metal roofs are repainted at least once every ten years. If, however, your metal roof is coming to the end of its lifespan and is starting to experience issues, its problems will not be fixed by painting. It would be better to replace your roof at this point. Learn more about painting a metal roof.

Metal Roofing Uses Less Energy

According to industry research, metal roofs reflect solar radiation heat, reducing cooling expenses by 10 to 25%. Coating a metal roof with a glossy or granular coating increases the reflecting capacity of the roof and improves energy savings in areas where cooling costs are higher than heating expenses.

Severe Hail Can Damaged Metal Roofing

Metal roofs are far more durable and low-maintenance than asphalt shingles and other types of roofing, but they are not indestructible. Pea-sized or even dime-sized hail is rarely a concern, but as hailstones approach golf-ball size, they can cause denting.

However, large hail can also damage an asphalt shingle roof, so there is no reason not to install metal roofing if you have good homeowner’s insurance that covers storm damage.

Ready to Talk About Metal Roofing?

Contact Four Seasons Roofing, Seattle’s most experienced metal roofing company, if you have questions about metal roofs, need a metal roof repair, or need to replace your metal roof.


Your roof protects you and your family through every season of life. Roof replacement needs to be done right by a company you can trust. Four Seasons Roofing makes sure your roof is done right and is backed by Our Shield of Protection.