20 Questions for Your Roofing Contractor (Part 3)

Ask a potential roofing contractor these questions and you’ll see if they know their stuff.
Ask a potential roofing contractor these questions and you’ll see if they know their stuff.

Hiring a roofing contractor is not something you do every day, and it may be difficult to know if you are making the right decision. The best way to get an understanding of the things you need to know is to ask. However, it can be tough even knowing the right questions to ask. We have compiled this list of questions for you to ask any potential roofing contractor, so you’ll be better able to make an informed decision and not just choose the cheapest price. If you’ve missed the previous questions, you should read our previous articles, part 1 and part 2. We’ll also be posting part 4 soon.

12. Regarding your quality of workmanship, where would you rate yourself?

This is a question that gives the roofer an opportunity to boast about their work, but what you’re really trying to find out is “Will you be honest with me?”

Here is how some of the answers might sound.

  • “We’re able to offer you the cheapest price, and we get the job done fast, so if the main issue is budget, you should choose us.”  The company does poor quality work. Follow up with “How do I know you won’t make mistakes or cut corners?”
  • “I’d rate us 4 out of 5.” The company does middle-of-the-road work. Follow up with, “Can I have references of your satisfied customers?”
  • “Quality work is my passion. Doing things the right way.” The company does top-quality work.  The person’s face lighting up when they talk about quality shows their passion. Follow up with, “What area of quality do you do that most other roofers wouldn’t do?”

You need to watch out for an answer that’s blatantly false or impossible, such as saying they are 5 out of 5 on quality but at the same time quoting you the lowest prices.

Four Seasons Roofing is built on honest, trustworthy service, quality materials and workmanship. We are proud of our service and of our standards.

13. If something goes wrong later, what will you fix?

What you really want to know is, “How much do you stand behind the quality of your work?”  The reality is that a lot of roofers figure that most people won’t need another roof for many years, so they won’t stand behind the quality of their work.

14. How are your prices compared with your competitors?

Besides giving you valuable information, this question provides an opening for the roofer to say negative things about their competitors. It is really poor taste to throw dirt on a competitor and you cannot be sure whether you can respect their approach.

Answering this question is difficult for someone with higher prices than most of the competition, but it is also a chance for them to tell you where they shine.

By giving your roofer an opportunity to explain why their prices are higher, or lower, than their competition, you may discover some useful information.

15. Have your customers given you reviews or recommendations?

This an excellent way to find out what others are saying about the roofing company you are talking to.

Have Questions for Us?

We’re ready for any questions you might have. We have been serving the people of Snohomish, Bellevue, Everett and more for years. We stand behind our work and service as the best roofing contractor in the area. Contact us today.

Your roof protects you and your family through every season of life. Roof replacement needs to be done right by a company you can trust. Four Seasons Roofing makes sure your roof is done right and is backed by Our Shield of Protection.