Answering Your FAQs About Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are a great choice for homes in the Seattle area.
Metal roofs are a great choice for homes in the Seattle area.

Metal roofs are becoming more and more popular as the preferred choice for protecting peoples’ homes throughout the Seattle area. This is because metal roofing has proved to be durable, with a long lifespan, energy efficient, and aesthetically appealing. When installed properly and regularly maintained, it is able to last at least 50 years.

At Four Seasons Roofing we are frequently asked questions about metal roofs. Below are answers to some of them.

Are Metal Roofs Noisy?

Metal roofs are typically installed by professional roofers like Four Seasons Roofing, over felt and plywood. It means that when rain or hail pelts down on them, they will make a similar noise to other roofing materials. This common misconception stems from barns where steel roofing was installed on open framing with no insulation.

Is It Possible for a Metal Roof to Rust?

While aluminum roofing will not rust, steel roofing may possibly rust. Aluminum is ideal for coastal areas where steel rusts more easily. Fortunately, your roofing contractor can avoid this problem by using a steel alloy with a high zinc content and performing proper installation.

Is Lightning Attracted to Metal Roofs?

Another widely held belief is that metal roofing attracts lightning strikes. The risk of lightning striking a metal roof is the same as it is for any other type of roofing. If it does occur metal roofing will not ignite and catch fire because it is not a combustible material.

Can You Paint an Old Metal Roof?

You are possibly a bit hesitant to paint an old metal roof. There is actually no reason for not doing so. It is, in fact, recommended that metal roofs are repainted at least once every ten years. If, however, your metal roof is coming to the end of its lifespan and is starting to experience issues, its problems will not be fixed by painting. It would be better to replace your roof at this point.

Can I save Energy Costs with a Metal Roof?

Metal is one of the most environmentally friendly roofing materials available today. A good metal roof can help you save up to 40% on your energy bills. It is available in a variety of finishes, which further improves its energy efficiency. Even a standard, unpainted metal roof can reflect more sunlight than asphalt roofing.

Are you looking for a metal roof for your house? Choose a dependable local Pacific Northwest roofing company, such as Four Seasons Roofing, to work on your project. Please contact us today for a free estimate. We serve clients all over the Puget Sound area of Washington.

Your roof protects you and your family through every season of life. Roof replacement needs to be done right by a company you can trust. Four Seasons Roofing makes sure your roof is done right and is backed by Our Shield of Protection.

Your roof protects you and your family through every season of life. Roof replacement needs to be done right by a company you can trust. Four Seasons Roofing makes sure your roof is done right and is backed by Our Shield of Protection.